Filtering by: Sound healing

New Moon in Capricorn Sound Healing
6:30 PM18:30

New Moon in Capricorn Sound Healing

This is the first new moon in 2024 and it is in Capricorn. If you haven’t set an intention for this year, allow the practicality and focus of this earth sign to help you. Capricorn will allow you to cut out the nonsense and focus on what really deserves your attention. You don’t have to know all of the details. You only have to feel into your body and heart and embrace what you know feels good to you… and make it work.

Come feel the energy clear and support you as you wipe your vibrational slate clean for a more focused you!

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New Moon in Cancer Sound Healing
6:30 PM18:30

New Moon in Cancer Sound Healing

Cancer energy craves safety and security and is ruled by the moon, feminine and emotional. It is a water sign and you may notice “waves” of emotion. Cancers tend to put up walls and not easily let others in in order to keep themselves safe. During a new moon in cancer, emotions will be heightened and it is important to not hold in how you are feeling-say how you feel. When you speak your truth, you know how you feel and need and knowing this helps one feel safe.

During this energy, it is the best time to look at the things that we may be keeping hidden from others or even ourselves (things that may be closed up tight inside of us)-those things we haven’t been talking about. I we can acknowledge them, we can start supporting what we need or reframing what we don’t. As a nice bonus; (in my opinion) Jupiter is exalted in cancer, meaning that the energy is most easily expressed around growth, expansion, abundance and blessings. In other words, these things tend to come easier with Jupiters placement in this zodiac sign.

Bring an intention with you or be inspired to create one at the sound healing. Allow the full power of the moon to open you up so you can feel comforted and safe.

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Full Buck Moon in Capricorn Sound Healing
6:30 PM18:30

Full Buck Moon in Capricorn Sound Healing

The upcoming energy of the full moon in Capricorn is ambitious and determined, yet practical. You may find yourself more cautious or serious than usual. This is a time to take a look at your long term goals by perhaps looking back to when the new moon was in Capricorn (Hint: around New Years?) and think about what you started that needs to come to completion. Similar to the intentions of the Gemini new moon, it is time to pause and take a look at where you are going, but Capricorn energy pushes you to re-evaluate to bring things to a finish. It will support you as you figure out the details of what needs to be checked off and done to help you just do it!

The Capricorn Full moon is in opposition with the Cancer sun. Cancer is known for its emotions (it is ruled by the moon) and well, Capricorn is not. 🤷‍♀️ It is just too practical for letting emotions get in the way of progress. However, what they both have in common is wanting security. Capricorn measures its security with accomplishments (and looking for outward accolades) while cancer tunes inward to find feelings of comfort. But both energies work together finding their comfortable level of safety with a push of honest introspection.

An hour of sound healing will gently guide your body to release the energy that is prohibiting you from bringing your dreams and goals to fruition.

We will be writing down what needs to be released and, weather permitting, there will be a campfire directly following the sound healing where you can toss your paper to release your blocks by offering them up to a higher power.

(Bonus: If your weekend is hectic or filled with company and you need a little self care to keep your composure, this is a great opportunity to enjoy a little “me” self love time.💜)

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New Moon in Gemini Sound Healing
6:30 PM18:30

New Moon in Gemini Sound Healing

Gemini is known for its duality, meaning it seeks to understand both sides of any situation. It can get bogged down in the details, nit-picking apart any situation with the pro’s and con’s prohibiting any clear resolution. With thoughts floating back and forth, this unsettled mindseet can lead to feeling ungrounded. But, that tricky Gemini energy also offers the value of a greater perspective when you are feeling stuck. Looking at what needs to be altered a bit in our lives leads to the question of whether it is just a matter of adjusting the way we think about things in our mental mind. What we think and speak is what we manifest.

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Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius Sound Healing
6:30 PM18:30

Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius Sound Healing

With the moon in Sagittarius and the sun in Gemini, the energies that align are around searching for a higher understanding. Gemini pulls the knowledge of the details of the here & now and Sagittarius pulls the bigger picture energy. We feel the desire to learn about our purpose but also to teach others how it will benefit the collective. The sound healing vibrations will support your journey.

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