A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
“I will not rescue you;
For you are not Powerless.
I will not fix you:
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you;
for I see you, in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness
as you remember your light.”
Have you ever found yourself wondering, “What is my soul calling me to do? How can I feel more connected yet free? How can I live my life from a place of gratitude instead of fear? How can I find better AND balance?” or “How can I be more fully present to find the joy I desire?” Not that long ago, I too, was asking those same questions.
Truth be told, a few years ago, although things weren’t all that bad and I was enjoying a pretty great life, I had this nagging feeling that things weren’t totally aligned for me, Like, “There has to be more than this.” I had been through a lot up to that point. I had been through a divorce that left me unsure of who I was and wasn’t (and consequently, highlighted what I really wanted in a relationship moving forward), I had been through a major disease process which shook my world and made me wonder if the Universe was trying to give me a message that there was a much bigger plan for me. I was going into my 17th year at the same part time job, that kept a roof over my head, food on my table and was flexible, but left me feeling emotionally hollow and unfulfilled, I had three awesome kids, who one by one grew up and left the nest, leaving me to re-define, again, who I was and how I would spend my time as they needed me in different ways (which felt like I was needed less and less). I realized that it was time to emerge and start living for me. This is where my Shamanic journey began.
Although all forms of energy healing are powerful and have their place, my passion and the majority of my work is dedicated to the Medicine Wheel with Shamanic Healing, essential oils, and flower essences. Within this realm, I offer soul retrieval and past life regressions and as a certified Munay-ki practitioner, am honored to offer the Rites of the Munay-ki.
I do offer individual services such as Restore which often requires a few sessions to experience the full effects, Aroma Touch; a great way to balance your parasympathetic nervous system and promote feelings of calm and relaxation as well as a wonderful exposure to essential oils, and as a “seasoned” registered nurse, I work with those looking to attain the highest state of wellness through a mind-body-soul approach.
I have been practicing Reiki (I & II) on family members, patients and myself since 2001 when I was certified, before it was really a “thing”. I can balance your chakras in an individual session, but have found it to be more meaningful if I can work with you to discover the reason for the imbalance.
Whether you are in a position similar to where I was and are looking to deeply invest in yourself with Shamanic Healing, have found yourself in a challenging spot as a result of having to adjust your life around pandemic challenges, or you are in a place where you feel good about where you are yet you know that you are ready to release and change, I can help.
Sessions are most often interactive as we explore, discover, release, and discuss what has revealed itself during a healing, (warning: there could even be laughter!) However, the session can also be more meditative with silence or soft music in the back ground. It is up to you. You will never recieve more than you need as healings are divinely led.
If you know you are ready for your journey to begin, be ready to dive in deep. Be ready to feel empowered and transformed. Be ready to make changes in your life and treat yourself well. Be ready to put yourself first and uncover the best parts of you. Be ready to look at the darker sides of you that you’ve kept hidden away, and wholeheartedly love that beautiful hot mess. Be ready to be open to things that you may not understand.
When you are ready, so am I.
“Although I was unsure of what I should expect from a session with Tracy, from the start she made me feel that she was invested in my healing. She truly listened to my body and her intuition. She not only provided greater insight to what I was dealing with but also the tools I needed to break out of my frustrating cycle. I fully recommend a visit with her to find in depth information that will help in you in any given situation.She is an amazing woman who will make a big difference in your journey.”