Sound Healing
Upcoming Sound Healing Experiences
Relax 〰️ Release 〰️ Heal 〰️
Everything has a vibration.
Everything including us! Our bodies, our organs, our cells and our scars all vibrate at their own unique level (measured in hertz).
When energy becomes bogged down due to an injury or an emotional wound that has not been dealt with or addressed, it vibrates at a lower level. Lower levels of vibration can present itself as disease or other physical or emotional manifestations.
You know how when you walk into a room with a little baby and s/he smiles at you? You can’t help but smile back, right? That baby brought your energy up to her/his level without you realizing it! Sound vibrations do the same thing for your body. An occurance called “entrainment” is when a lower level vibration “attunes” or adjusts itself to match a higher vibration. For example, if you hit a tuning fork and placed it on the side of a glass of water, (water has its own vibration), it will adjust to take on the same oscillating rhythms as it syncronizes to the fork.
Many of the instruments used in sound healing are not normally heard in nature and others provide a resonance that has the intensity to entrain. Our bodies stand up and take notice when we hear new sounds, especially when they resonate at pure, high levels. When these instruments are played on, near, or around us, the lower vibrations of the stuck energy in our bodies wants to attune to the higher, healthier vibrations. In doing so, it leads to both physical and emotional healing.
Each tuning fork resonates at a different Hz level and corresponds to the 7 basic chakras with two additional tones. Each tone is tuned to a vibration. Each vibration supports a supportive action. (Example: release fear & guilt, enables transformation, connects to others, encourages expression and solutions to problems, etc) Forks are typically used in individual healing sessions vs full sound healings.
These bowls are commonly made from 99.9% crushed clear quartz, making them both a healing instrument for not only sound but also for the healing aspects of quartz crystals. The vibrations of crystal bowls last longer than metal (Tibetan) singing bowls. Each crystal bowl corresponds to the perfect vibration for each of your seven basic chakras and one for DNA repair.
Tibetan bowls make a harmonious and softer sound compared to a crystal singing bowl. The overtones and sounds of the Tibetan bowls are more intricate than the crystal singing bowl.
Made of gourds, these rattles are filled with items from Mother Earth and are used for journeying, healing, and to access other realms to create a shift in energy fields.
Four beautiful wooden chimes; one for each element: air, fire, water and earth.
Air is used for expansion of the mind and lightness.
Water is used for balancing emotions, clearing and creating purity.
Earth is used for stability and security.
Fire is used for creativity, energy and allowing dense anger to blow away like smoke.
These beautiful hand drums contain metal beads that move from one side of the drum to the other creating the sound of waves, both gentle and crashing.
The intense sounds of gongs bring our subconscious to the surface. It influences our brainwave activity through entrainment leading us to a meditative state with transformational power. The gong is a supportive tool for the manifestation of our harmonious physical, mental, and emotional being.
Pyramids made of crystal quartz (which is an energy amplifier) help to cleanse the body of toxins, negative energy, and help enhance meditation, relaxation and deep sleep.
Merkabas are double pyramids; the top pyramid representing masculine energy and the cosmos, and the bottom representing feminine energy and the earth. They are known to open the pineal gland.
Kenari Chimes are made of Kenari seed nutshells that hang on a string. These strings are attached to a longer piece of wood creating the sound of a soft breeze, gentle rain, or the lapping of water on a shoreline.
Individual Healings
An individual sound healing includes a personalized essential oil selection with a healing session targeted on both emotional and physical concerns, personal intentions, and intuition. You will be made comfortable on the treatment table, while bowls and instruments will be played, and perhaps physically placed, on near and around your body.
Some people feel as though they are floating or dreaming, feel energy moving in their bodies, tingling, lightness, calm, warm, relaxed, or even emotional. Every person has a different experience, but leaves feeling calm, refreshed, and relaxed.
Cost: Individual healing: 30 minutes $50/60 minutes $100
Group Healings
One hour group sound healings are also offered. Indoor onsite healings can accommodate up to 10 people. Onsite outdoor seasonal healings are weather/condition dependent and can accommodate a larger crowd. You will be required to bring your own yoga mat and are encouraged to bring anything else that will make you comfy for the hour experience (such as a blanket and pillow).
If you have an occasion where you would like to coordinate a sound healing for a group of friends, co-workers or for an event, please contact me. A non-refundable $100 deposit is required to reserve the date/time. To find out more, please fill out and submit the “Group Healing Form” located below. The cost is dependent on the size of the group and the location. (A separate charge will compensate time to travel to any offsite facility. I will happily get back to you on details and pricing.)
Cost: group and location dependent
Monthly New and Full Moon Sound Healing
Sound healings with the new and full moons are particularly powerful when coupled together. Each month the new and full moons bring a new and refreshing energy with their zodiac sign. New moons are about manifesting, full moons are about releasing (to achieve what you are manifesting). When you pair healing vibrations of sound healing with the energies of the moon’s zodiac qualities, they grow synergistically! Join me at Peace of the Planet for a powerful healing with an idea or intention. Allow the vibrations of the sounds move and release your stuck energy to support what you are manifesting.
Take the opportunity to move forward with no financial barriers.
These healings are offered to you by donation. Pay what you can. Be with others who are taking steps to be in tune with their bodies and their desires. Click below to sign up. Space is limited to 12.

Certified in Singing Bowl, Tuning forks and Pyramids