Although Libra represents balance, fairness and justice, its largest lessons are around relationships and how we get along with others. This libra new moon, we are asking ourselves where we are giving away too much of ourselves to the partnerships and relationships in our lives. The relationships we engage in should be equally give and take in a way that betters both sides. In our lives we constantly grow; are those around you supporting this or is their season in your life coming to a close? (It’s okay if it is; not everyone is meant to be with you forever!) If you question this, perhaps ask yourself if the people in your life are making you doubt yourself or that you aren’t good enough. If they make you feel this way, take some time to reflect if perhaps their season in your life is coming to a close and find a loving way to close it out, to allow new and supportive relationships to replace it.
During the new moon we are more susceptible to feeling our shadow emotions. Instead of getting irritated when you are triggered, ask what needs to be healed in you- our relationships often bring out our shadows that need to be healed. Perhaps maybe you can even be grateful for the opportunity!