Oil Tips for Back to School
I remember back when my kids were just off to elementary school that it took a solid 3 years for me to understand that it took a solid 2-4 weeks for the kids to adjust into their new back-to-school schedules. I recall the meltdowns -- not from the little ones but from the older ones, who after 2 weeks of being excited and on their best behavior, finally realized that keeping up the pace was hard. I remember thinking, “what is happening?” when nothing different was apparent. It is an adjustment. And one they (and I) did without essential oils. But you don’t have to go without.
These oil blends are appropriate for all ages. (doTERRA recommends 3 and over) I had a great vacation with our grandson (who is two and a half) teaching him the benefits of the “good morning” blend (Brave) the “Night night” blend (Calmer) and the “Thunderstorm” Blend for those occasional two year old “independent” moments where he just picked a color, applied to his hands, rubbed them together, breathed them in and they helped him calm within moments. By the weeks end, he was asking for them. I felt 100% comfortable with him using them with adult supervision because the vials ARE glass.
The oils can be bought in an adorable set of 6 or individually. They are kid focused and have little colored caps with beaners on them. With my grandson, I let him roll a little in each hand, had him smell it and then let him roll some on his feet and mine. I love that they are tools for them to cope.
Here’s a bit about each one:
Brave: Courage blend. Before new or different situations, or just to start your day, roll Brave on to boost courage and confidence.
Steady: Grounding blend: for times of feeling nervous or anxious, roll on to help calm and comfort emotions.
Rescuer: Soothing blend: after running, jumping, or playing rub onto sore muscles to soothe an active body.
Stronger: Protective blend: for an added boost or for protection when not feeling your best.
Calmer: Restful blend: at bedtime, breathe it in and allow your mind to rest.
Thinker: Focus blend. For times where you need to be creative and focus roll on to support your mind and enhance learning (this has citrus oils and is photosensitive so use caution if going outside.)
These blends are a great way to introduce oils to your young ones. It teaches them that they have tools to help support them when they are dealing with different stresses and emotions. How wonderful to have a safe and natural option. I may have missed the opportunity to use them on myself and my children, but my grandchildren will be blessed to have them!