Oil Tips for Travelers
Ahhh, vacation… whether you stay home, travel abroad, go somewhere fancy or crazy, go on a cruise, hike a mountain or relax on a beach, oils are always a beneficial part of travel.
Always bring your favorite oils that you use regularly, consider taking a small diffuser and any of the below oils. These are some of my own personal recommendations as to what (and why) would be great to bring along in your go-to oil bag.
Lavender: soothing to skin after too many hours in the sun, to calm itchy bug bites or your mind if you can’t sleep in an unfamiliar place.
OnGuard: spray hand sanitizer for any travel to use on plane tray tables and hands after touching anything sketchy and before eating
Frankincense: for those who don’t travel well, inhale frank for a calming effect, use on itchys and owies, use on sore muscles before deep blue rub.
Deep Blue Rub: for the day hike that lasted 3 miles longer than expected leaving you achy and sore
Digest Zen: for when you ate something slightly suspect and you feel your belly rumbling like a volcano about to blow, or to help ease “consta-cation” (i.e.: when you can’t poop on vacation)
TerraShield Spray: to keep the mosquitoes at bay on your romantic night walks
Peppermint: to quiet the man banging a pan at full volume on your head after a night of imbibing
Grapefruit: to add to your water to rehydrate and rebound after said night of imbibing
Balance: to calm and relax at the end of a day of activities
Fractionated coconut oil: as a carrier oil for any of the above, and it has an SPF of 4-5. It’s not a lot but every little bit helps.
CorrectX: For the cuts and scrapes you encounter as you explore, and get wild and crazy on your expeditions
Feel free to eat, drink and be merry, throw caution to the wind and let your freak flag fly! It’s vacation! And… there’s an oil for that! (Ok maybe not so much for the freak flag flying but hoist it high anyway!)
Bon Voyage!!