Peace of the Planet

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Oil Tips for Thanksgiving Diffuser blends

Holy Stuffing Batman! Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Although I feel that I strive to live an intentionally grateful life, this month has been especially nice seeing all of the posts on social media and a general feeling in the air for what others are grateful for too.


Enjoy these three recipes for Thanksgiving blends. These oil blends were chosen to enhance the gamut of emotions we may feel during the holidays. They provide and support:

  • a whisper of calm in the midst of the overwhelm and stress that can accompany your company,

  • openness to gratitude and abundance to assist you with feeling grateful for all you have,

  • a boost to your confidence and self-assurance when cooking the turkey or hosting the “fam”

  • solidifying stronger clearer boundaries when dealing with that judgey mother-in-law or crazy cousin

  • creativity and spontaneity to make this years celebration particularly meaningful and special.

If you don’t have the oils, but would like to try them, contact me! I have both (beautiful) diffusers and have the 3 sample blends available for $10.