Peace of the Planet

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Natural Options for fighting the flu

Even as a health professional, I have never been a “flu shot” person. At almost 51 years old, I can count the number of times I have received the shot on one hand. I acquired H1N1, coincidentally, one of the years that the shot was mandatory at one of my jobs. Other than that, have been fortunate enough to not contract the flu or flu-like symptoms.

I work part time as a hospice nurse, caring for a very vulnerable population. But just because I choose not to get the shot does not mean that I am living fast and loose. I live a healthy lifestyle, eat well, get enough rest, (most of the time) ground and meditate daily, and have the discernment to know enough not to go into work if I have any contagious. unhealthy or flu-like symptoms. But I also use essential oils, herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies in lieu of the shot, embracing a holistic and natural approach to keeping myself healthy.

We know that the flu shot does not prevent the flu. And there is no guarantee that homeopathic means will either. However, I can speak from personal experience.,

I used them last year, starting around this time of year in the fall. One random winter weekend, I rather suddenly felt achey and stuffy. Instead of loading up with other over-the-counter medications and waiting for the other shoe to fall, I immediately incorporated a protocol with the products I was already taking. I took it easy, pushed fluids, and any and all discomfort and symptoms I had, abated within 24 hours.

I am not saying do not get the flu shot because that decision is not my choice. However, I believe that all health care decisions are a personal choice, including, but not limited to, the flu shot. I post this because I also feel that educating yourself on options is important. And some people don’t realize there are other, more natural, options out there.

I am a woman who tries my best to limit the number of toxins I ingest, breathe in, clean with and put on my body. The Energetix products work for me. If you’d like more information, please contact me.